
Please take a moment during this month to enjoy the newest gifts we are receiving. As the season’s change and the Creator blesses us with the many new colors opening up we are reminded to enjoy and be thankful of even the smallest of blessings. Have a great month.


Please take a moment on Friday,  even if it’s only a moment of silence to reflect on everyone effected by this.


We have a new program launching at the LTBB Tribal Health Clinic and YOU are invited!

We are rolling out a new tobacco cessation clinic at the beginning of June.

If you use Sema in nontraditional ways (cigarettes, vaping, chew etc.)  and are ready to quit or have thought about quitting, please contact the clinic at 231-242-1700 to schedule an appointment with our tobacco cessation coach for an individualized quit plan.


The Odawa Economic Affairs Holding Corporation (OEAHC) is seeking applicants who are interested in serving the OEAHC Board of Directors. There are currently four vacant seats on the Board. Two of the open seats must be filled by LTBB Tribal Citizens. All four vacant seats’ term length is three years and has the option to reapply at the end of the term.

OEAHC Board Openings
