Enrollment Department

Contact Information

Phone: (231) 242-1522
Fax: (231) 242-1526


Vision Statement:  Our vision is to protect the next seven generations by digitizing records for preservation and digitalizing our department for a paperless future.



Mission Statement:  Our mission is to uphold the Little Traverse Bay Bands Constitution Membership Requirements.  To be accurate, objective, expedient, with a fair enrollment process while providing quality services to the Tribal Citizenship, LTBB Departments, local, state and federal governments.



Eligibility Requirements:
To be eligible for LTBB Citizenship you must be (1/4) or more North American Indian blood quantum and trace to Little Traverse Bay Bands.
Please call the Enrollment office for applications.


Enrollment Officer: Pauline Boulton
(231) 242-1520, PBoulton@ltbbodawa-nsn.gov


Administrative/Genealogist: Lindsey Doerfler
(231) 242-1521, ldoerfler@ltbbodawa-nsn.gov

Theresa Boda Naganashe

Data Entry/Recptionist: Therea Boda Naganashe
(231) 242-1522, TNaganashe@ltbbodawa-nsn.gov