Author: enephler

A 2021 Per Capita payment in the amount of $270 has been allocated by LTBB for all citizens enrolled as of October 31st.

All minors must have a current Address Verification Form (AVF) on file for 2021 with the LTBB Enrollment office. Enrollment will be mailing...

Aanii Kina Gwaya,

Due to the recent COVID outbreak that has hit our Mina Mskiiki Gumik and understaffing, we are back logged with telephone calls. Please remain patient as our team returns each call.

Community Health will be using the White Travel Trailer on October 21 and 28 for the tribal elders and employees!
As a reminder, there are two forms according to age groups.  In order to expedite the process, please complete only the highlighted areas on the correct form according to your age.

We apologize for the abrupt ending to this morning’s Townhall zoom meeting. We had technical difficulties due to an internet outage.
We will look to reschedule Natural Resources Katherine Skubik’s Whitefish & Cisco presentation for next month.
Miigwech and again we apologize for abrupt ending to this mornings Townhall.