Author: Ed Nephler

With our time of honoring our relations who have gone on to the Spirit World we also are reminded of what is to come. Mshkawji Giizis/ Freezing Moon-Migrating Moon. The eleventh moon of Creation is the Freezing Moon, a time when the Star Nation is closest to us. As every creature/being prepares for the coming fasting's we are reminded to prepare ourselves for our spiritual path by learning

the sacred teachings and songs that will sustain us. Talk to them, they are listening. Listen to them, they are speaking.


October Calendar, Binaakwe Giizis/ Falling leaves Moon. This is the time we finish the harvest and prepare for the sparse months to come. The falling leaves also remind us there is an end for every season but also reminds us that for every ending there is also a new beginning.

Chi-Miigwetch, have a great day, week, month, year.


Prior to conducting an Appropriations and Finance Committee phone poll, the following shall be posted for 24-hours in accordance with policy.

Reason for Phone Poll #1: Motion to recommend to Tribal Council to approve CERTIFIED MOTION # 092624-04 Request for Funding from the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council, Inc., Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Epidemiology Center, Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country.

Reason for Phone Poll #2: Motion to recommend to Tribal Council to adopt Tribal Resolution Supplemental Funding in the amount of $1,341,748 to construct an additional apartment building at Mtigwaakiis Housing Development to come from the General Fund-Fund Balance.


Prior to conducting an Appropriations and Finance Committee phone poll, the following shall be posted for 24-hours in accordance with policy.

Reason for phone poll: Motion to recommend to Tribal Council to approved CERTIFIED MOTION #092624-02 Request for Funding from Office of Native American Programs

Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) Indian Housing Block Grant Program FY 2025.

Reason for phone poll: Motion to recommend to Tribal Council to approved CERTIFIED MOTION #092624-03 Request for funding from Great Lakes Fisheries Trust

“Modernizing Vessel Fleet” Project.
