Support Groups in Behavioral Health

Behavioral Health is pleased to announce the re-opening of our community support groups! 
We will be hosting our Wellbriety AA meeting on Monday evenings at 6:00 PM and a community Talking Circle on Thursdays at 5:00 PM.  The groups will commence on April 4 & April 7 respectively and will be held weekly (as long as we remain in Phase 5 and beyond). 


The following motion was made by Tribal Council on 03/17/22 to give notice of a Special Meeting:

Motion made by Councilor Tamara Kiogima and supported by Councilor Aaron Otto to schedule a Tribal Council Special Meeting to discuss the operation plan for Odawa Economic Affairs Holding Corporation FY2022 for March 29, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. on Zoom. Vote: 8-yes, 0-no, 0-abstain, 1-absent (Secretary Marcella Reyes)


Prior to conducting an Appropriations and Finance Committee phone poll, the following shall be post for 24 hours in accordance with policy.


Tribal Chairperson Regina Gasco-Bentley has released a statement regarding the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa’s reservation litigation.

On Monday, February 28, 2022 the Supreme Court of the United States denied review of our case in Federal Court in which we sought affirmation of the reservation boundaries in the 1855 Treaty of Detroit. In legalese, the U.S. Supreme court ordered that “The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied.” We sought review of the May 28, 2021 ruling of the Federal Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit in which the Court held that the 1855 Treaty did not establish a jurisdictional reservation.


Due to the decrease in cases within our region, local area, government operations, and community, we are making some more changes and moving from Phase 3.5 to Phase 5 effective Sunday, March 13, 2022. Attached please find a copy of Phase 5. When we switch phases there are some significant changes to our safety protocols.

You will see that in the Phase 5 document that health screenings for employee and guests for access to the buildings is no more. This is the one safety provision in the Phase 5 document that takes effect before the March 13, 2022 start date.


REMINDER – DEADLINE TO APPLY IS TOMORROW MARCH 8TH: The LTBB Department of Commerce (DOC) is distributing a total of $1,600,000.00 in the form of grants to businesses to be used in responding to the negative economic impacts caused by COVID. Business entities that are eligible to apply include: LTBB-owned businesses, LTBB Tribal Citizen-owned businesses, and LTBB-registered nonprofits.

The deadline to submit an application and all supporting documents is March 8th, 2022. The application is available on the LTBB website under the Department of Commerce section, or can be requested by contacting the LTBB DOC office at 231-242-1584 or


Now is the time of Naabdin Giizis - Snow Crust Moon.   The materials we are sharing this month are adapted from those provided by the White Earth Indian Community in the 13 Moons Curriculum.  The Food Topic is Ziinzibaakwad, Maple Sugar is Our Relative and the Food is Medicine teaching is about Zhiiwaagamizigan, or Maple Syrup. 

I always admire good cooks and people who figure out how to do something that comes out so tasty and delicious.  Please read the article shared with me by Joe VanAlstine at Ninaatigwaaboo (Maple Tree Water): An Anishinaabe History of Maple Sugaring ( to discover who showed the Anishinaabe how to cook the ziisabaakadaaboo (maple sap) down to make zhiiwaagamizigan and ziinzibaakwad. 


The month of March is National Reading Month! Do what you can in the world of reading, whether it is donating books to a local library or encouraging your own children or grandchildren to pick up a book and read. A child’s ability to read has a direct effect on their future success. Reading with a child helps to increase their vocabulary and improves their reading fluency and comprehension. Kids who read, and who are read to, do better in school and help build great communities.


REMINDER: The LTBB Department of Commerce (DOC) is distributing a total of $1,600,000.00 in the form of grants to businesses to be used in responding to the negative economic impacts caused by COVID. Business entities that are eligible to apply include: LTBB-owned businesses, LTBB Tribal Citizen-owned businesses, and LTBB-registered nonprofits.
