13 Moons Challenges – March

Now is the time of Naabdin Giizis – Snow Crust Moon.   The materials we are sharing this month are adapted from those provided by the White Earth Indian Community in the 13 Moons Curriculum.  The Food Topic is Ziinzibaakwad, Maple Sugar is Our Relative and the Food is Medicine teaching is about Zhiiwaagamizigan, or Maple Syrup. 

I always admire good cooks and people who figure out how to do something that comes out so tasty and delicious.  Please read the article shared with me by Joe VanAlstine at Ninaatigwaaboo (Maple Tree Water): An Anishinaabe History of Maple Sugaring (utoronto.ca) to discover who showed the Anishinaabe how to cook the ziisabaakadaaboo (maple sap) down to make zhiiwaagamizigan and ziinzibaakwad.

It may come as no surprise to you that added sugars can easily become a big part of your daily diet, and that our food supply has become overrun with them.  Unlike ziinzibaakwad and zhiiwaagamizigan, white sugar and corn sweeteners are highly refined with all nutrition (except Calories) stripped away.  These sugars and syrups are hidden in many processed and ultra-processed foods.  Much of that white sugar comes to us in sugary drinks.  If you would like to learn more, visit this link:  Sugary Drinks | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health .

Also, if you are trying to stop drinking soda pop, you might be interested in the attached article “How to Stop Drinking Soda” from Healthline.

The Naabdin Giizis Challenge encourages healthy habits in the form of a calendar BINGO.  Take some time to look at the calendar of daily suggestions and take the challenge to complete as many of them as possible.  If you get five (5) days in a row in any direction we have a small prize for you.

Can you, do it?  You will not know until you try. 😊 Have a lovely month, Charla