Community Health is excited to announce that the Ogichidaa Trail is open for business.  This is a “soft opening” as there still is some work to do on the trail. 13 of the 15 workout stations are open for use.  There are signs located at each of the open stations, starting with a recommended warm-up prior to starting the trail and a cool down at the end. From start to finish, it’s approximately 0.5 mile long.


As a reminder, not all exercise is suitable for everyone. As with any exercise program, if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy, or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately. Please be advised that by participating in any of the exercises presented along the trail, you are assuming all risks of injury that might result. You are responsible for exercising within your limits and seeking medical advice and attention as appropriate. The information presented herein is not a substitute for medical advice. To reduce the risk of injury, consult your doctor before beginning of any exercise program.


Work will continue to be done on the trail, so watch for the Grand Opening of the trail.


Below are links of the instructions on how to use the equipment on the trail. Community Health encourages those wishing to use the equipment watch prior to use. = Chest & Lat pull = Balance Beam = Back Extension & Sit Up Board = Tai Chi Spinners & Hip Twister = Fitness Apparatus = Spring Balance Beam